Throughout our trailer, there are several different types of titles being used. For example we created two production titles, starting off with "Asylum Productions". This title we had created and wanted it to be different so we used a old fashion video camera placed on a tripod as we thought it would go well with our trailer. We then have the theme of black and white colours because it goes well with the convention of horror, but these colours stand out more. The colour black shows darkness, fear and mystery, whereas white shows peace, innocence and calmness. And these colours link to the protagonists and antagonist.
The other production title we created and chose for our trailer is "Woodland Films". When creating the title, we used a abandoned forest which is shown being in the dark. We then added white text over the picture so that it would stand out and able to be read. To add more effect of the darkness of the woods, we decided to lower the lighting of the original picture to set in a certain mood, such as dull and gloomy. The theme of a dark location is conventional to horror movies which is effective.
Above is our title for our horror trailer "The Craze" and we had used this in our trailer at the end, so the audience knows the title of the film being shown. For our trailer title we decided to create it in adobe fireworks. We kept the black background so that the text would stand out more and would be easier to read. For the text "The Craze", we used the website "https://cooltext.com/" which is a website full of different fonts to choose from and also being in different categories and we looked in the horror category and came across the text we used for our title. The text we chose looks kind of sinister style which is good as we wanted it to link to the genre of horror.
The final title we had included in our film production was the production credits which had appeared at the end of our trailer but also it is also seen being on the bottom of our film poster. For the production credits, we used the conventional design for it in a film trailer. We had the small white text on a black background so that it was clear to read if the audience were interested to read the credits. We then have the release date of the film at the bottom of the production credits and we made it large and bold. This is information for our audience as this is then telling them when the film is being released into cinemas.
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