Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Script for The Craze

Trailer begins

(Soundtrack Fades in)

Shannon: Can't wait for mum and dad to go next week.

Sean: Yes I know it will be so good won't it!

(Transition to house)

Shannon: Sean.

Sean: What? What is it?

Shannon (Pointing to TV): Sean, this looks really serious

News Host (in studio): I am now going to pass you over to Hannah Bowyer, who is live at the scene at the Air Raid Shelter to tell you all of the latest news.

News Reporter (on location): Yes, thank you Baily I am live at the air raid shelter, where recent attacks have taken place. The public have been warned not to come near this area, as the clown was last seen here.

Clown (Towards Shannon): You can't escape now. (laughs heavily)

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